Saturday, November 19, 2011

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

OK I have to admit this - I suck at blogging!  Actually I just haven't done anything "bloggable" lately.  We had baseball and soccer games until the end of October and now we have two basketball teams for one kid going on right now.  I haven't been couponing too much, though I am really looking forward to the deals at CVS on Thanksgiving.  Yes, I will be at CVS and RiteAid Thanksgiving morning!  I have been crafting a little for my friend Jenny's baby shower, which is tomorrow.  I am also putting together some Christmas craft ideas.  Oh and exciting news - I shampooed the carpet in my living room!!  Oh, yes exciting life!  I am hoping to get back in to the blogging world and hopefully do better at my picture of the day which has also been sorely lacking.

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