Thursday, July 21, 2011

My New Glasses

Finally got my new glasses adjusted so they don't hurt.  Here they are - keep in mind that my photographer is 7 years old!
I know I owe you all a list of 10 entertaining things but I have been busy and haven't taken the time to think of them yet.  Here's one though: I told the kids they can't watch TV today........we will see how that goes!


  1. I like! And the 7yr old did pretty good! Let me know how that no TV goes! I need to tell a 61 yr old no TV!

  2. nice!! glad you finally get to wear them! enjoy your TV free day (of course, it will probably be filled with more fighting than normal, so good luck!!)

  3. Cute hair AND cute glasses. You look marvelous!

  4. I like your new glasses. They look good on you. If I had my way we'd not have tvs at all!
