Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Graduation Cards

Here are a couple of graduation cards I made for my niece's and a family friend.  They are pretty much the same as the Coaches cards, just flipped over and made a little more "girlie".  But essentially the same card design, I figured that there was no need to re-create the wheel!

This was supposed to be yesterdays post but I couldn't upload pictures (not that it is a very good picture)!  Stay tuned for the The Tuesday Ten......which may change to the The Tuesday Two if I can't think of anything to say!


  1. Lovely cards!!! I hate it when blogger has a problem and won't let me reply to your blog except as anonymous!!! Glad I didn't try to post yesterday!

  2. Cute cards Heather!! I look forward to reading your Tuesday Ten...or Two :)
