Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday Ten......on Wednesday

1) I don’t know why but it made me chuckle that The Lytton Springs Salvation Army Store has a “Preferred Customers Club”

2) Do people even think about what they are donating to charities? Do you really think someone wants your half-used tube of boob cream for breast feeding moms? Or how about taking the family photo out of the frame before putting it in the donation box.

3) Another helpful hint on donating - no one wants your home video on VHS of “Hawaiian Vacation 1997” it took all I had not to pick that sucker up. And then of course there was “Kelly’s Mickey Mouse Club Tape” I soooo wanted to buy that, just for the sole fact that Kelly told me “Do NOT Touch” right on the label.

4) Yesterday when I was at the Salvation Army store I saw a lady pull up to the donation truck and unload a bunch of boxes. She then pulled in to the parking lot, grabbed a cart and started shopping. If she just got rid of that many boxes I am thinking she really shouldn’t collect stuff up again!

5) I do not like things that boast that they are “20 minute Workouts” - they lie. You have to do them for 20 minutes, not just 20 minutes once and you are done. Not a fan.

6) I am the coolest mom on the All-Star team because I gave all the boys free nachos after practice. We have to use up the snack shack cheese sauce and chips!

7) I am not good at accessorizing. My scrapbook pages don’t have much embellishing, my house isn’t very decorated and I don’t wear jewelry, scarves etc. I wish I was.

8) It looks hot out today but I haven’t been out, I just turned on the AC and stayed inside.

9) Why is every person on Extreme Couponing going on their “biggest shopping trip ever”?

10) I have $9.98 to spend at Rite Aid and nothing I want to buy. I have to spend it this week or it will expire. It is kind of a bummer that there is nothing I want that will give me more Rite Aid dollars back. L


  1. I can't believe people donate their old VHS tapes with personal videos on them! That's just bizarre!
    While I constantly donate stuff to Goodwill. I never think to shop there. I will have to check one out after seeing your great finds.

    And while you may think you are not good at accessorizing, or embellishing. I beg to differ. You can embellish with on your pages 3 brads, buttons, whatever, like no one can! ;)

    On another note, I left you a little something on my Thursday post. You will have to check it out!

  2. Jenny - I saw your little something and for the time I am ignoring it! LOL! Don't count on getting a deal like I did at a 2nd hand place - $1 for all of that is unheard of!

  3. 1, 2 3 &4 ???? What are these people thinking???

    I guess I need to hit Goodwill. I go to every other thrift store but there ;-)
